Night Zookeeper- A great online tool challenging your child’s creativity.

Night Zookeeper- A great online tool challenging your child’s creativity.

*This is a review post and i was given a subscription of Night Zookeeper- programme and a book , to use and review . This does not effect my review of the product. *

Using the Night Zookeeper online program, for the past few days, has changed my perception on education. Education need not be confined to any boundaries. Young minds need to learn and explore . What better way to do this while you are playing , exploring, and having all the fun at the same time.

A few days back, I was given the opportunity to use and review the online learning program for kids – Night zookeeper. This program is based on the wonderful concept of challenging a Childs imagination and learning vocabulary by ways of reading, illustrating and creative writing. We have used this for a few days , and i can already see a much better understanding and improvement in my daughters writing, grammar and vocabulary.

Read below how and why i really like night zookeeper and how it helped my daughter Aahana aged 6, take her creative writing and imagination to a surprisingly new level.

Night zookeeper -The website

The night zookeeper website is aimed for kids between age range 6-11. This is very different from any addictive online game doing rounds on the internet. It is a website where children create imaginary characters in the zoo and weave wonderful stories around their characters using their imagination. A very interesting, interactive learning area , amalgamated and globalised using the internet.

To start with ,you register your details on the website, for monthly or yearly subscription. The website has a free 14 day trial option as well, incase you want to understand the program better, before you start the regular subscription.

Once registered as a parent, or as a teacher , you get a user name and password for your child to log in and start exploring the site.

Night Zookeeper program – How it works ?

Introduction –

You can help the child log in using the details. Once you are logged in, the home page has a very interesting video, with a very peppy track, that my daughter really loves. In-fact we all looooved listening to it. You have to listen to this to believe me. This is the preview of the night zookeeper show . Yes, they have a show running as well.

Creating the Zoo keeper avatar, and the Zoo characters-

Now the child needs to create the avatar of the night zoo keeper. Using the drawing tools and colours in this console is quite simple. Aahana struggled a bit in the beginning with the drawing tools (as she is not used to using the laptop much ), but it was easy ,once she got the hang of it. Below is where you can draw your Zoo keeper Avatar.

Once you are done creating your Zookeeper, you are transported into the mystical world of night zoo. You need to create the fictional zoo character (animal or a bird), and write a description about this character. The programme asks the child different questions related to the character they created . Once the child answers these, that is logged in as the animal report. Question could be ranging from -What would you call him, , what is the habitat, why is that animal important in the zoo?

This is what Aahana created- “LOTY”, along with a few accessories for Loty , and a gift for it.

Check out this example of the animal report that she created, and the encouraging response she got from the Night Zookeeper teacher, along with a tip to improve her comment.

Animal reports and comments by the teachers

Amazing Interactive phase-

The interactive phase for this program is just superb . It makes sure the sentences are long enough, with right punctuations, and grammatically correct. Like ,if Aahana forgot to add a punctuation mark at the end of a sentence, the program prompts her to add that. If the sentence is too small, she was prompted to add a few more words to make the sentence complete. I am quite happy with this interaction phase, as this is exactly what she is learning in school. Also this is a fun way to take the school learning to another level, practice english reading and writing at home .

The website portal-

This program can keep your child happily engaged, with a lot of learning at every point, without being repetitive. There are a number of things for the child to do, ranging from reading, playing games , drawing, and writing . The games have the character the child created . These games are wholly aimed at improving the english reading and writing skills, and are really interesting.

A great tool for schools and home schooling-

The context that this website is based on, it is a great tool for teaching in schools or even homeschooling. As there are a number of lessons based on different age groups, parents and teachers can use this website to create lessons as per their requirements and send these to kids to complete. This doesn’t get boring for a kid, as the activities keep on changing. Kids have the options to switch from writing to play games, to drawing and creating characters. The activities range from writing simple sentences to learning grammar, to finding synonyms, and building vocabulary.

Night Zoo keeper program – Review

Its been almost 2 weeks Aahana has been working and playing on the night zoo keeper website, and she is loving it.

Besides greatly challenging a child’s imagination to create characters and write stories about your characters, another fabulous thing is that the work that the child creates gets published (if they want to) like a blog. So kids have their own little space where they can share their stories and characters, and see and read what other kids are creating.

The more the kids use various aspects in the program, the more points/ or orbs (as the programme calls it)they earn . Kids can spend these orbs to buy more characters (created by other kids), or play on different levels. That is helping Aahana learn a lot about numbers . She does Calculations using the orbs and works harder to achieve more orbs. It is like adding and taking away numbers . She makes sure she has enough orbs in her profile so as not to go bankrupt. She needs to keep her zoo running 🙂

Nightzookeeper- The Giraffes of Whispering Wood- Book

I was also sent a book “Nightzookeeper- The Giraffes of Whispering Wood” . Since the day we have received the book, we are hooked onto it. As of now this book is our favourite pick for the nigh time reading schedule . She has just recently started trying to read by herself, and this one she is trying to read by herself.

The story is about Will who accidently is transported to the world of night zoo. He has to protect the zoo animals with his powerful magical torch and his friend Riya. It is quite an engaging and interesting read. One thing is for sure – you cannot keep it down till you have finished it.

There are other books available online for the Night Zookeeper series .These are listed below. I am planning to order one, once we finish this one.

Our experience using the night zookeeper website has been brilliant. I am sure we will continue using this for much longer . This is a great interactive tools to keep Aahana engaged, whilst challenging her imagination, increasing vocabulary , and improving the grammar.

I hope my review is helpful for you in understanding the Night Zookeeper program. If you plan to add a new learning routine to your kids days, you can subscribe to this program and use the below discount code.

If you would like to subscribe to Night Zookeepers online, use the code – “lovewriting to get a 30% discount .

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Night zoo keeper

5 thoughts on “Night Zookeeper- A great online tool challenging your child’s creativity.”

  • What if after I subscribe and decided to cancel after that cos my son grown up don’t need already. How do I go about? Please advise

  • Emma Williams: As a parent, I am always on the lookout for online tools that can engage and challenge my child’s creativity, and Night Zookeeper has truly exceeded my expectations. My daughter and I have been using this program for a while now, and I can confidently say that it is a fantastic resource. The range of activities and challenges offered not only sparks imagination but also encourages critical thinking and problem-solving. The personalized feedback system keeps my daughter motivated and allows her to grow as a young writer. I can’t thank Night Zookeeper enough for providing such a fun and educational platform for kids. Keep up the amazing work!

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